Liga das Américas

Sassuolo Wins the 2021 Women's Americas League in an Epic Final Against Vasco

In a thrilling match, Sassuolo defeated Vasco da Gama 5-4 to claim the 2021 Women's Americas League title.

08/05/2021 15h35
Por: Redação

The 2021 Women's Americas League final, held on May 8 in the city of Palhoça, was a spectacle from start to finish. The match, filled with emotion, saw Vasco da Gama attempt a comeback after a slow start. Despite the Vasco girls' efforts, Sassuolo proved unbeatable, with standout performances from goalkeeper Paulina, who was named the best goalkeeper of the tournament, and top scorer Valéria, who netted the decisive goal.

In a game full of twists and turns, Sassuolo managed to maintain its lead and, with spectacular plays and great teamwork, secured a 5-4 victory. Vasco, led by coach Michael Booth, came close to forcing a penalty shootout, but time ran out, and Sassuolo held on to the result. A touching moment occurred when both teams congratulated each other, with Vasco’s players praising their Mexican opponents for their well-earned title. Sassuolo finally celebrated with the trophy, marking a historic championship victory.

With the title, Sassuolo took home the tournament trophy, solidifying an outstanding performance throughout the competition. The awards ceremony was one of the highlights of the night, with Thaís from Vasco being named the tournament's best player, and Sassuolo’s coach, Roger González, receiving the best coach award. The 2021 grand final will go down in women's seven-a-side football history as one of the most exciting matches in the sport.


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